Wednesday, January 07, 2015

My name is Dallas, and I'm a K-Drama addict

I'm hooked on Korean TV.
Long a fan of foreign movies (and closure), I started watching Japanese Soaps when my kids were young, because ... they end!

Migrated to Korean shows as most seem more light hearted, less depressing drama.
Now I find I can watch many on Netflix or online and watch multiple episodes at once - PLUS know when to expect the last episode.

Boys Over Flowers, To the Beautiful You, A Hundred Years Inheritance ... 
but my fave? Shut up, Lets Go.
Shut Up Flower Boy Band
Completely fun, except, of course that Byung-Hee dies too soon and though I kept hoping it was a daytime drama trick and he'd be back, fabulously applied eyeliner and all ... alas, no.

Still overall enjoyable and doesn't attack my senses as so many many shows do these days. 
I've seen it all, but don't want to see it on tv, that's all I'm saying. 
I like drama, and humor, I like entertainment; not pie in the face comedy or gratuitous nudity and fowl language.

Check some of these shows out. Want more serious? Dr Jin or When a Man Loves.
You'll be hooked too!

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