Thursday, September 09, 2010

No free pie and chips here, mate

I woke up late this morning and turned on the news.
Y'all know I had to catch up on what's happened around DFW. Tropical storm Hermine may have landed lightly Monday but picked up plenty of punch by Wednesday and created more than one tornado.
I've also been on a cleaning spree for a while.

Started in the spring when, frankly I didn't know what was wrong and I thought my kids were going to have to go through everything. [another story]

Since surgery recovery, I've also been fanatical that everything is clean because I've had a few insect bites and since I haven't been out much, I stressed that spiders or something got IN the house.

So I went through a day of cleaning under the bed and behind furniture and closets, etc, etc, etc ...

So watching the news for a bit this morning [no reading glasses] I spot something on the wall. Something ... too big for comfort.

I stopped wearing them so I had to search for a flip flop to smash at it.

But smash at it I did!
It pops of the wall and MOVES.

Of all the nerve.
I expected instantaneous death!

It's on a section of patterned carpet, and I can't see it so I have to go turn on a light, find reading glasses to see better and when I spot it I realize, it is not roundish like a spider.

I almost get sick, thinking .... roach.
I almost start packing to move, thinking .... roach.

I smack at it again, it takes several tries before it seems to die.

Don't read if you get queasy easy.

Remember, I warned you!
I look closer to see what it is and it SEEMS as if somthing inside it has come out and is alive.
Something small and grey is wiggling... babies? little spawns of this hideous bug!?!?!?
I'm about to scream and cry at the same time when I remember, I am not home alone.
I have a 20 year old son living upstairs.
Granted, with over 2600 sq feet of house for just the two of us, I rarely see him, especially since there are two living areas, and my bedroom is down, all the others up.

I dash for my cell and in true good son fashion he runs down, a mulitude of paper towels in hand.
He picks it up and examines it for only a second. "Poor guy must have come in because of all the rain I guess", he says.
Poor guy??!!??
What is it?

I still feel the weird thing in my throat that accompanies bugicide incidents.

Turns out, it was a tiny baby gecko.

The grey wiggly stuff? Intestines.

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