Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fly on My Wall

I was asked recently, what I blog about.
Initially I had no hesitation at all. My first response is always, everything and anything.
Then I remembered how I'd wiped my slate clean a few months ago, and how difficult it had been to begin again.
At first I thought I had nothing to say.
Oh, that's never true.
Ask my Facebook friends, half probably have clicked that little "hide" buttton. I have lots to say, but FB friends are married ward peeps, they have other interests.
My daughter will tell you it's just that my life is jam packed with dull.
Not true, only in the eyes of a teenager.
I've just never blogged for an audience. [I write for myself, man]

So when I replied to the question, what do you blog about, the other day, I said "...whatever I woke up thinking about, or whatever annoyed me during the day OR whatever made my day particularly awesome."
It's the same for my poor FB friends or those 443 people that follow me on twitter ... I click in and fill you all in on whatever is happening here.
It's like being a fly on the virtual wall of my life.

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